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Re: Bringing potential 'local' darkness into the light for scrutiny and democracy

Feel Like The Wind!
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Feel Like The Wind!
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MatrixAnomaly Views: 1,333
Published: 13 y
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Re: Bringing potential 'local' darkness into the light for scrutiny and democracy

 "Consider if you were a guest in someone's home, would you even consider cursing in front of their children?"

WTF did u just say??? How in the world can u compare being a guest in someone's home in front of children to being on one of if not THE largest self-help health forums on the WORLD WIDE web? I'm am a bit baffled by this analogy mike, forgive me, i find it truly asinine. So yes, i would not even consider cursing in front of someones children in their own home, but seeing that this is far from the case i will CONSIDER cursing in the name of expressing emotion every Fu***n time here on curezone. Even on private forums, unless i am told otherwise, in which case i will cater by all means:)
"Guests can always be asked to leave as a natural property right of the homeowner."
No shit sherlock, only thing is, there is no single homeowner in this case..more like a commune. And something tells me it was not a commune descision to permantently kick this quest out w/out any warnings or communication at all w/the guest or the other commune members. And how this point so clearly communicated in my first post has eluded u...makes me a bit suspicious of ur agenda. 
"Curezone has many ill people here trying to figure out complex problems"
You dont have to tell me that mike, Maintaining oneself while also trying to heal with the little amount of monthly disability money while one has an autistic spectrum disorder is very complex to make an extreme understatement. Yet i still believe in attempting it all w/a sense of humor...u know, kind of like the majority of us here on curezone..
"in an environment of honest mature behavior,"
You dont have to tell me about being honest...tis why i will call POTENTIAL BS on anyone and everyone and expect the same to be done w/me. And i believe that w/out honesty the archon has more room to work with..
   So what do u define as mature?...if u even really though about it?
"this is not a playground for juvenile acting out even though you may get a easier rise out of folks here than say on some gaming site designed for that sort of crap."
Give me a friggin break mike, "your" agenda is ridiculously obvious now. Aside from this forum, no other one is more fond of the joke and the laugh then VWT support. And the fact that u somehow overlooked this and compared my joke to trolling on a random gamming site is even more asinine then ur above analogy, and IMO likely shows that u are just letting ur hive mind break through and going by a fear based 'defend the herd from newcomers' behavorial RESPONSE...for the logic and un-bias is severely lacking.
And your welcome for not censoring and giving u the full extent of my opinion... u earned it...congrats!! I still like u though:) sarc/off
But what is ur conclusion mike? That u think it is just for me to lose my rights to the VWT support forum. That i do not deserve the support for having a too high joke to actual question ratio and not wiping my shits w/***'s? 


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