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Re: The word, "No", when doctor asked me was the best thing I ever did for my son
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Re: The word, "No", when doctor asked me was the best thing I ever did for my son

Sorry, Tiki, I missed your question.

The answer is, one, because, I think, most wouldn't talk about it, even if the opportunity arose.

Her "reason" was a defensive "I don't care what anybody thinks."

That's when I realised that I had probably sounded like I thought myself superior or something.

Actually, I sincerely didn't. I only remember thinking myself (and my boy) lucky.

On dealing with leftover feelings in my later years, I find them so pesky to dig out and banish that I can imagine that many folks never get to this one, which is a pity.

This old world punishes innocent mistakes mercilessly. How can we know what we don't yet know?

My luckiest choice was to tell my subconscious that I would notice when I was about to make an error. Wish I had done so more frequently.

Probably EFT would help very well. Try


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