Exfoliative Chelitis is ruining my sons life!
I just wanted to post as a Parent how difficult this has been for my 17 year old son - I think he has had it almost a year - we think it was caused by
Acne medication - not accutane by minocyclin I think. We have tried to many things - I cant even list them - most things we have found on here. He doesn't even want to go to school anymore and we got in a fight and he said if he still had this in a year he would probably kill himself - i took him to a hospital to evalute him and they wanted to put him in an inpatient program - there weren't enough beds, so we are doign outpatient - so I hope that will help. This is so frustrating and people don't understand how hard it is on the people that have it. The only good thing that came out of it is one of the counselors sons had EC from Accutane and his went away - so that made him feel better and like someone could understand what he is going through.
I really think this is somewhat related to Candida - he was on anti-biotics as a child and got thrush - so it makes sense that the
Antibiotics caused this. We went to a Naturopath and she is putting him on an anti yeast diet and this summer I told him he needs to just let his lips dry out - candida thrives in moist environments.
I have tried to get himm to connect with people on here who are going through the same thing - but he says it depresses him because people aren't getting cured. Im sure there are people who get better but just don't come back so please if you do get better please post something so that it gives people hope!
Also, i am sure this is a longshot, but a lot of people seem to have gotten this from strong
Antibiotics has anyone considered filign a suit with the companies that produce them? I know people also get it from other things, but the amount of money and emotional harm that is done by people that take
Acne medication and may have this for life I think should be looked into. My son was considering killing himself over this! Maybe other people have I don't know. And who knows,maybe the drug companies would look seriously into a cure if they were worried about a lawsuit or negative press. If people want to email me if they think there EC was caused by Accutane or another
Antibiotic - maybe we can look into this.
I will post any improvements he has or anything that works - I hope we can find a cure for this before too many peoples lives are ruining!