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152648 Humaworm cleared my Eczema!
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152648 Humaworm cleared my Eczema!

I had Eczema on my scalp since I was in high school and It was
Horrible. Nothing cured it. They had me using steroids, stinky tar shampoo
Oh I even used Listerine on my scalp. It cleared it for maybe a day then
It was back.
RG told me that once I got rid of the Ascaris Roundworm infestation
I would start seeing my scalp clear up and he was right. I was 52 5 years
Ago when that happened and I have not had it since. He also told me to
Use his RG Cream as a topical and that also helped but you have to
Get rid of what is causing it on the inside of your body in order for you to get rid of it. You will have to do more than one cleanse. Humaworm cleanse for 30 days wait 90 days then Humaworm for 30 days and wait
90 days. You have to wait 90 days so you won't create resistant
Parasites. RG didn't have the Hu-Mana tea when I started so I didnt
Take it. It wouldn't hurt you to take the tea also. Sounds like you have
A large infestation of parasites all over your body. In your feet. Lots of people have them in their feet but if not disturbed then you don't know their there until they start creating havoc. Yes they live in your eyes also.
Your nose. Your brain. Everywhere. The good news is Humaworm goes
Through your bloodstream so there is no where that the critters can hide.
RG told us that he could not make the Humaworm strong enough to kill out all parasites at the same time or it would kill us also. This is because
When they die they poo and pee which is very toxic to our system and the toxins would kill us. RG said slow is better. You first may see white rice looking things in your bm (tapeworm tail segments) or maybe rolled up
tomato skin looking things (liver Flukes) the big boys which are Ascaris Roundworm or Tapeworms take longer to kill out. Your symptoms have been shared by hundreds of people that have come into this forum while
Taking Humaworm. You are not alone. It would take be a book to explain everything to you. The tea cleanses the blood I don't know what kind of blood cleanser your on. I'm not a doctor so I can't and won't answer your question about the blood cleanser your taking. Go to RG's posts. Forgot who gave the link but read the posts under my title getting ready to do my 13 Humaworm cleanse and she posted it there. May have been Diane.
When you get into that link it will say posted by Humaworm. That was RG's username It is all of his posts that he shared. You will be amazed at what you will learn and all your questions will be answered.
I hope this helps You can even click on my username Matchmaker
And scroll down my posts and read my journey. Stick with it and drink lots of water if you get harsh die off. Once the dead critters along with their toxins are out of your body then you start to feel better. I always
Praised the dieoff to come cause I knew the critters were being put on death row being executed.
You just have to read my posts to believe me and the tons of energy that I walked away with. Thank you RG and Humaworm!!! Hope this helped you. Donna


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