Re: Spiritual significance of lyme disease?
I suffered from Chronic Lyme for four years. At my lowest point I was hardly able to function. My wife walked out...she did not want to deal with someone sick....I lost my job due to brain fog...I had no health insurance. The only thing I had to fall back on was my meditation practice. So I repeated a healing mantra for three months. The mantra is unusual in that it is asking for guidance.... one night I had a dream.
I was riding on an old school bus full of local natives. A small boy came up to me and handed me "beads of solitude" and herbs from Peru.
After I had the dream I could not make sense of it. Out of desperation I broke down and went to a Lyme specialist. He wanted $350 for a visit. He gave me a physical and determined that I had Chronic Lyme. He reached in his drawer and gave me....herbs from Peru.
I took them for two years. I am one of the very few who has experienced a complete healing from Chronic Lyme.
The key to my healing was the dream which gave me the faith to pursue the herbal treatment.
I am now a chaplain and even though I no longer have Chronic Lyme I decided to return to the Lyme support groups to tell my story.
If your patient wants to talk with me I am open to that. My email is
I don't charge any money to help.