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Starbucks Phasing Out Cochineal Red, Using Lycopene Instead
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Starbucks Phasing Out Cochineal Red, Using Lycopene Instead

Starbucks Phasing Out Cochineal Red, Using Lycopene Instead

23 April 2012 --- Starbucks Coffee Company says the red coloring used in select food and beverage products, which is currently sourced from cochineal insects, will soon be replaced with tomato-based lycopene.

Starbucks president Cliff Burrows made the announcement on the company blog.

“Our expectation is to be fully transitioned to lycopene, a natural, tomato-based extract, in the strawberry sauce (base) used in our Strawberries & Crème Frappuccino blended beverage and Strawberry Banana Smoothie,” said Burrows.

Other products to see the switch will include Raspberry Swirl Cake, Birthday Cake Pop, Mini Donut with pink icing, and Red Velvet Whoopie Pie.

The move comes after a vegan Starbucks barista highlighted the recipe change on by providing a list of new ingredients used in the Strawberries & Crème Frappuccino and strawberry-flavored smoothies.

Two years ago the company launched the "However-You-Want-it Frappuccino" one of the drink’s original selling points was that the product was vegan, if made with soy milk.

The recipe for the product was changed at the end of 2011, vegetarian groups are disappointed that the chain did not adequately inform consumers about the recipe change.

Cochineal is considered safe by the FDA, and is widely used for coloration in jams, preserves, meat, marinades, alcoholic drinks, bakery products, cookies, cheddar cheese and many other food products.



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