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Calibelle Views: 1,807
Published: 13 y
This is a reply to # 1,931,796


I SO relate to you, and to your posts. We have so much in common. I appreciate your openness and sharing how "bipolar" your eating habits are - LOL. I mean, that is me to a 't'.

I will say that 'back home' was much different and my lifestyles (of diet and exercise, etc) stayed more true, and much more consistent, but here, I'm all over the map.

I will be very interested in hearing of your progress; what you choose for your menu plans, etc. and how you're doing.

You can email me, PM me anytime, and if I can help in any way, even if it's someone to help you be accountable, or to cheer with you, I'd be glad to.


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