Shrimpy and jazzy
I am soo happy for the 2 of you and you got your lives back!
I do have some questions:
CAn you please describe in detail these procedures:
muscus scraping
tissue test
and the lab that they use
What tests they used ie.endoscopy,retal swab etc...those in nature
Muscle is this exactly performed.
I am wondering which lab was used..this is very crucial,,I know this for sure.
I believe this information that Cahill uses as a testing procedure is of uptmost important in assisting others.
I firmly believe that most can get the proper meds if we can CONVINCE local Dr.s to do the same and use an expert Lab technician
As we voice our cry of failed and proven studies of the malfunctioning testing mechanisms/machines..illtrained lab techs etc. This is the most disatrous of allllll.