Re: Leave it alone
Hello all. This is my first time posting on this website. I want to share my experience so hopefully others can benefit from it.
I totally agree that by leaving your lips alone you can totally heal yourself from this condition.
I first started having the symptoms of EC a few months ago. During this past winter, I was applying lip balms quite often, to the point where I could not go without it. I was using an all natural lip balm made completely of oils that are supposed to be beneficial for your lips. After a while I noticed that my lips were going through a cycle of inflamation and pain, followed by forming a thick yellow skin, then cracking and peeling of the thick skin, all over the course of a few days to a week. I was miserable! After reading several posts on this website and others, I decided I would try not putting anything at all on my lips to see if it would possibly go away.
I knew it would get worse before it got better. The first few days I was in absolute agony. The skin on my lips was thicker than ever. And it was oh so painful. It hurt to talk. I could barely eat. I cried often. But I stuck with it and I am happy to say that after only 10 days I am so much better and only having little flakes of skin come off and very little soreness.
I think it probably helps that I have for many years been eating organic foods and lots of veggies and very little
Sugar (which severly weakens the immune system.) To speed healing I also added a zinc supplement to my cuurent regimen and a vitamin c supplement even though I think I get plenty from my diet.
So, to all of you out there who have not healed using balms, ointments, creams, medicines, etc... please consider not using anything at all. I also attempted to keep my lips dry in the beginning by drinking out of a straw. But I did allow them to get wet in the shower every few days. It's unavoidable really.
Hope this helps!