Hi I read your post and wanted to offer some help. I understand how frustrating it is to go to the doctor over and over again because your not feeling well but they have no clue and don't do much but give you medication or pain meds and send you home. Well at least that's what my doctor did to me. So I got tired of it and decided to try something new. I found a aloe Vera drink that is pure and it really has helped me with my health problems. I have more energy and it cleansed me in a natural healthy way. I buy my aloe Vera products from this website. http://Www.myflpbiz.com/rayandraquel.
Their member ID is 001002454285. I strongly urge you to try it. Try the aloe Vera cleanse 9 or drink 4 to 6 of the aloe Vera gel (yellow jug) every month and you'll feel so much better. I hope you start to feeling better.