Hi Sean,
Thanks for such an insightful post! I hope your lips continue to get better and you'll be able to share with us the good news of being cured.
I tried following the links in your post but most require a membership to see. Would you mind giving a brief overview of the kind of detox that they are recommending?
Most detox I've heard of either involve Liver Flushing (which I think is silly...) or juice dieting. I have been very tempted to try out juice dieting after watching the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". It talks about two men with chronic auto-immune skin disorders that cured themselves by going on a 2 month juice detox diet where they ate absolutely nothing, and just drank fresh vege/fruit juices everyday. For those who are interested: http://www.hulu.com/watch/289122/fat-sick-and-nearly-dead