I have been battling this #@$%*& for 10 years now and I am SICK SICK SICK OF IT! I know Bartholin's glands CAN be removed. Nobody on here knows anyone who has had this done? They say the surgery is very painful but I don't care! Honestly, this is REALLY making my life a living Hell. I spend half my time worrying it is going to get abscessed (happened to me 3 times - a fate worse than death as you all know.) There is about always a lump of some size in there (different sides, so I know it's not cancer...I hope!) I'm in a new relationship and I'm afraid this guy is going to dump me. He's THE sweetest guy in the world but all men (all people!) want to have a happy sex life - that's the whole point of a love relationship! This is completely ruining my life. Sex REALLY irritates my already pissed-off glands and makes them swell which terrifies and embarrases me. I just want to cry. Thanks for listening. It is such a rare condition that nobody can commiserate with me! How "lucky" we all are. :-(
I'm just crushed that I met such a great guy and I don't know how this problem will be worked out other than gland removal.