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Constipated and considering surgery - please help!
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Published: 13 y

Constipated and considering surgery - please help!

Dear Readers,

I'm posting this message in hope that it reaches someone who may be able to help my partner. Cure Zone has helped me previsouly for which I am forever grateful. I have Crohn's Disease and if it wasn't for the kind actions of contributors here (and Bob Beck) I'd still be suffering.

My partner is living with severe constipation problems and it is making her life difficult. She has tried pretty much everything going with limited success. Substances tried include Movicol, Senna, Linseed, Fibogel, Bisocodol (apparently nasty), Phosphate enema’s, mixed dried fruit drinks and some other usual suspects. She's also eliminated what might be deemed problematic food/drinks and had increased water intake.

The only substances that appear to have the desired effect are rather nasty and don’t seem like an option over the long term - these include Picolax & Clean Prep (the items that you're given before undergoing a colonoscopy procedure)

She's only in her mid 30's and has been diagnosed with 'slow transit constipation', and has already had one surgery (18 months ago) to remove a section of her descending and sigmoid colon. Apparently the removed section had lost/or had few muscles and was termed a 'floppy colon' by the surgeon.

Her consultant recently prescribed Resolor (Prucalopride) and it does appear to have some effect albeit small, but it's still good because I feel we could be getting closer to figuring out why she's experiencing these issues. She believes that her ‘hormones’ are playing a part in this and I don't doubt her as she's bright.

Typically the establishment offers little help and she's almost lost on the conveyor already with months between appointment times and getting nowhere fast. It's frustrating and crap to witness this happening to your beloved.

She's recently begun to discuss possible surgical options with me including an Antigrade Continence Enema and even having a Stoma. I don't think she's had this discussion with her consultants yet and has sourced the information from the internet. This is all seems drastic - but it is telling how bothered she is by the condition.

I understand surgery could be the answer to her problems but it's still seems dangerous and drastic.

If anyone has any ideas or thoughts about alternatives to this they would be most welcomed.

Many thanks in advance,


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