April 9th Special Guest on The Best Years in Life Radio Show: P K Shader
April 9th Special Guest on The Best Years in Life Radio Show: P K Shader
by Tony Isaacs
(The Best Years in Life) The special guest on The Best Years in Life Radio Show for Monday, April 9th is dog (and human) trainer extraordinaire P. K. Shader, who c
About P. K. Shader:
Over the last 47 years PK has been involved with dogs in a wide arena, training obedience, protection, drovers, confirmation, grooming, hunt terriers, service, therapy, crisis response and companion dogs in private and public forums and has done countless interventions and rescues.
In 1998 she helped establish Jack Russells Online which was then the largest non- commercial Jack Russell web site in the world. She also wrote an advice column for this site for 2 years called "Ask Eatbugs".
Since then she has worked at the Woodgreen Shelter Development Days in the UK and was one of only 5 Certified Trainers to work at The NCPG Horse Project in the Netherlands. There she had the opportunity to introduce German, Belgium and Dutch trainers and lay people to the wonders of inter-species communication. She also had the opportunity to work with a number of different types of animals from goats to sheep as well as working to help some of the school horses resolve the fears or problems the trainers were called upon to solve.
She was invited Back to Woodgreen by Kayce Cover and Sue Ketland in 2006. While there she participated in a study with Dr. Daniel Mills (Professor Daniel Mills, became the country’s first specialist in veterinary behavioral medicine, to be recognized by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and is now the country’s first professor of the discipline.), Kayce Cover (creator of SATS) and 3 other Certified LL1 Trainers. She also participated in teaching and presenting at the Certified SATS Trainer Development Days in Great Brittan.
She specializes in working with dangerously reactive dogs, and is a consummate problem solver. One of her several passions is working with deaf and blind dogs (PK has both). Knowing the uncertainty they face in their lives she has developed classes through the use of SATZ to help these dogs and those who love them live happy, enriched and SAFE lives together.
PK is one of the first 8 people in the world to be certified as a SATS LL1 Trainer in 2004. She is the sole creator and keeper of The Safe Alternative Teaching Zone Method of teaching dogs and humans http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/SATZ_Main/ where anyone may come to receive help and advice about their best friends in a safe and respectful manner.
She had the honor of working with John and Judy Rogerson and judged the 1st USA Working Trials Rally Competition, Silver level.
She has public and private, revolving classes and camps at her training facility in Waterford, Wisconsin and does private consultations and video coaching. She works Pro Bono for many rescue groups and dogs in need. She is never too busy to pick up the phone and answer concerned dog owner's questions because she believes that the only foolish questions are those that are not asked.
She LOVES what she does.
PK Shader CSATSLL1, CSATS Mentor, Canine SATZ Master
For Love of Dogs Canine/Human Relations Learning Center LLC
26212 Washington Ave, Waterford, WI 53185
Cell 312-259-5305 Office 262-534-2004
Currently and for the last 46 years teaching humans to have Excellent relationships with their best friends.
About the Show:
The Best Years in Life Radio Show is part of the Rumor Mill News Radio network and is broadcast over Micro Effect Radio every Monday. It runs for two hours beginning at 3 PM Eastern time (2 CST and Noon Pacific time). During the first half hour of the show I normally discuss current news topics relating to health, especially natural health versus mainstream medicine. During the second half hour, Luella May takes over and discusses the topics she has in mind for the day, which frequently include topics about natural health for pets and animals.
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