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Iodine disinfo on the Health Wyze Report website MOD EDIT
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Iodine disinfo on the Health Wyze Report website MOD EDIT

FYI - Those people who write the Health Wyze Report are spewing a lot of disinfo regarding Iodine supplementation on their website.

MODERATOR EDIT: link removed

Mail Bag #12: Dr. Brownstein's Carnage and Drinking Iodine
Written by Sarah Cain Thursday, 05 April 2012 16:21

Subject: Re: Iodine poisoning in Hasimoto case
Date: Thu, 05 April 2012 12:45:00 -0500 (EDT)

I know someone who has long-standing untreated Hashimoto's disease and who has recently ingested Lugol's for about three weeks, 4 drops a day, except for 15 drops two days in the middle of that period of time. She was trying to self-treat after reading a book by Dr. Brownstein [author of, "Iodine - Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It"]. She said that at first she felt more energy than she had ever had in their entire adult life. For the very first time, she felt well in that way and was very happy. She thought she'd be safe because she took all the vitamins and minerals Brownstein recommended along with the Lugol's, but she ended up poisoned. She is now experiencing severe symptoms, including severe insomnia, racing heart 24/7, and goiter. She complains of extremely heavy arms and legs and weakness of arms and legs, sore muscles in backs of thighs, and numbness or circulation problems in left-sided appendages and face. She also complains of swollen thyroid with difficulty swallowing and breathing. She has have been off Lugol's for two days now, and now is frightened. She has well water, not municipal water, and feels too weak to leave her home. She has read your article here on your website, and has asked me to write this for her because she feels too sick to get out of bed. Should I go out and get some municipal tap water for her to drink? She's afraid to do anything without asking around first. Any ideas for how to help someone with Hashimoto's who finds themselves in this situation, while they wait for a doctor's appt.?

This is an emergency and conventional medicine does emergencies best. She is at an extremely high risk of having a heart attack.

In the meantime, lots of fluoridated tap water would probably help. You need to get some cayenne and taurine (L-taurine) in her too, in order to help stabilize her blood pressure and her pulse. Remove all salt except for a daily pinch of pure unrefined Sea Salt . Also give L-arginine to relax the blood vessels. Vitamin E will help to thin the blood, so you may want to supplement in high doses with that, too. Three standard 400 I.U. vitamin E capsules will probably be ideal.

Put her on a high carbohydrate diet (lots of bread and pasta). Carbohydrates are sometimes used to neutralize iodine, and it may still help.

You can worry about safe and natural therapies after the high risk of a heart attack passes. Until then, go with the doctors.

Sarah Cain


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