Conscious Lovemaking
Unique type of bodywork (Nitvana) that heals sexua| problems for couples, men and women. Conscious Lovemaking
Are you looking for deep healing that you have not been able to find elsewhere? Do you feel that true love is still missing from your life? Or maybe you are looking to experience a deeper sexua| experience? Nitvana Bodywork, a branch of Tantra, offers the most complete physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation and healing that no other modality can.
I offer Nitvana Teachings and Bodywork to the men, women, and couples who wish to heal themselves and elevate their love lives to amazing new heights. Here are a few of the transformational benefits of Nitvana Teachings and Bodywork:
◦Healing of intimacy problems and addictive sexua| behaviors
◦Clearing negative sexua| conditioning (shame, guilt, old belief systems)
◦Removing the trauma from sexua| abuse
◦Re-sensitizing your body, penis and vagina
◦Increasing of stamina and curing of premature or delayed ejaculation
◦Becoming multi-orgasmic
◦Realigning with your true masculinity and femininity
◦Awakening and healing of your chakras faster than most other modalities
◦Making love into a meditation
◦Transforming sex into a spiritual experience through your ego-less self