(NaturalNews) Would you knowingly eat ground beef which contained scrap meat items such as muscle connective tissue which had been sprayed with ammonium hydroxide? Would you want your children to eat such ground beef in their school lunches? According to recent revelations, if you or your children eat ground beef there is a strong chance that both may be happening.
Note: After the above article was written, consumers and activists were cheered by the news that a public backlash has resulted in the maker of 'Pink Slime' suspending operations at 3 of it's four plants. However, consumers should not be lulled to sleep - as the truth is that the maker of 'Pink Slime' only temporarily suspended production at the plants and has no intentions to suspend operations permanently. In fact, BPI continutes to make hundreds of thousands of pounds of 'Pink Slime' every day at its largest plant, which remains open, and has launched an aggressive campaign in support of its product to help recover lost sales.