Re: mms, another fraud of alternative medicine..
Despite its drawbacks, I don't think anyone has died from taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to date. Including the very suspicious case of Mr. Fink who's wife who apparently died by ingesting only a few drops of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement while sailing on international waters.
Having said that, I also think it's interesting that we'd draw a line between the acceptable and unacceptable when dealing with treatments. ie. our daughter was recently prescribed
Antibiotics to treat an inner ear infection and she developed a auto-immune reaction as a result. Following this, we were told that this could happen in a small percentage of cases. However... what's interesting is that most of us consider such risks as acceptable simply because were dealing with approved treatments. However, as a parent, I can assure you that having your child's life put at stake as a result of approved treatments does not translate as acceptable risks when all is said and done.
The simple fact is that all medicines and treatments have potential side effects associated with them. And so it makes little sense to consider that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement falls into the same category in terms of risk factor let alone "child abuse" when all is said and done. In fact, based on what I've seen, I'd state that treatments such as MMS and CDS have less risk associated with them than that of many of the the approved treatments in use today. And so for me, I just don't think such arguments as administering MMS can be compared to child-abuse makes for very good arguments in the end.
And lets not forget, that our experience is but one examples of the dis-balance associated with the criticisms on unregulated products. However, that doesn't make it any more reasonable imo. Whatever the case, you can be sure that the next time we find ourselves dealing with an ear infection, that were going to think twice before administering
Antibiotics to our children.
PS. another one of our children(2 yrs old) developed a urine infection as as result of his
Antibiotic treatment. Which resulted in yet more
Antibiotics and side effects.