Re: The Best B Complex?
what do you think about this?
(about how to make your own b complex)
Yeast for B Complex
Dr. Richard Passwater of Whole Foods Magazine interviewed Dr. Seymour Pomper, who addressed "yeastaphobia": "...the term "yeast" should not be applied too broadly, not when one "yeast" (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) has been a servant of mankind for thousands of years and another "yeast" (Candida utilis) may cause disease."
There are two types of non-Candida Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast available to us: baker's and brewer's. And there are two types of those, active and inactive. Active is good for baking breads or brewing beer, but not for ingestion. The yeast is made inactive from the heat during the baking or brewing process. When yeast is inactive it is totally safe as it no longer actively reproduces spores. But it retains the vitamins, minerals, and protein.
Yeast does not contain B12 unless it is added. Nutritional inactive yeast flakes that display a T6635 code have B12 added. By chewing thoroughly you absorb the B12 through the small blood vessels in the mouth and avoid the gut's B12 trap. Nutritional yeast flakes with B12 is a cheaper way to take B Complex than using supplemental pills. But still not the cheapest.
The Cheapest B for Thee
Though you may need to find a source for B12 that suits your life style or diet, here's the cheapest way to supplement B Complex. Find a source for baker's yeast, like maybe a bakery. Tell them you want to eat it so please sell you the freshest. It should be very inexpensive. Buy a pound or more.
It's active, so you need to make it inactive by stirring a quarter pound at a time into a pan of water on low heat. Stir each quarter pound until the whole pound is ultimately dissolved, then bring it to a bubbling boil while still stirring. Put it into a ceramic or heat treated glass container, cover it and stick it into the fridge.
Two or three spoons full a day should be fine. You can flavor or sweeten it any healthy way you want. You've got a month or more of B Complex for one at low cost, and you can disregard potential legal restrictions. What a deal!