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Chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue
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Chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue

Chronic refers to a condition which a person has had for quite some time, as opposed to acute which refers to a condition which a person has had for a short time.

Chronic fatigue literally means fatigue which a person has had for quite some time.

Chronic fatigue is non-specific, and may be different for different people.

One person may have chronic fatigue as a result of nutritional deficiencies.

Another person may have chronic fatigue after working long hours for many months, until their body became fatigued.

Another person may have chronic fatigue following an infection.

Chronic fatigue is not just one thing.

To treat chronic fatigue, it is ideal to determine what is behind it.

Many people with chronic fatigue have fully functioning adrenal glands, and don't have adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands become fatigued, and as a result are unable to function 100%.


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