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Image Embedded Beware dangerous new advice to use daily aspirin to prevent cancer
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Beware dangerous new advice to use daily aspirin to prevent cancer

Beware dangerous new advice to use daily aspirin to prevent cancer

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 by: Tony Isaacs
See all articles by this author

(NaturalNews) Before anyone jumps on the latest mainstream media bandwagon and begins taking daily aspirin to prevent cancer, there are several strong reasons to hesitate. To begin with, the study which produced the media storm was flawed and the claimed benefits are highly questionable.

The new aspirin study was conducted by Professor Peter Rothwell at the Stroke Prevention Research Unit at Oxford University. According to the study, taking an aspirin a day could reduce your risk of cancer within three years after beginning the therapy. Only two years earlier, Professor Rothwell published a previous study which suggested that protective benefits would be seen only after 10 years of daily aspirin use.

The new findings are actually just a re-analysis of about 90 previously published studies. For unexplained reasons, the new analysis failed to look at several major US trials which failed to find any protective benefit from aspirin. Also, the average dose of aspirin in the studies which were examined was far above the recommended "safe" dose of 75 mg.

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