Candida self diagnosed as it was obvious. :-) Huge dose of Antibiotics during my child's birth for both of us and mercury set it into motion. Looking back I've have symptoms of candida since I had Amalgams installed. My daughter had horrible colic which I now know is a sure sign of gut dysbiosis. If I knew then what I knew now I would have addressed the candida then.
My Amalgams are coming out April 2nd and 3rd. I will let you know if I have any negative reactions. I am having safe Amalgam removal with Huggins protocol. Most don't have any ill effects with safe removal, but I will let you know my experience.
My Amalgams are so corroded that pieces are chipping off and they are visibly pitted. The dentist claims that they corrode even worse from underneath and develop a black mold in your tooth. I will see if it is possible to examine/see photos of what is underneath. All is done with suction of the area so I may have to take his word for it.