Virus Mania
Virus Mania by Torsten Engelbrecht and claus kohniein
So far very interesting - from pastuer, koch to present day.
Looks at the propaganda behind the existence of so called pathogenic viruses, how no tests have conclusively isolated a complete pathogenic virus. outlines the standard methods such as the pcr and anti-body test cd4 count etc.
None of the so called pathogenic virus caused pandemics/disease meet koch's postulates!
The book looks at TB, Polio, Aids, BSE, SARS, HPV, HepC among others looking at each in a historical context, removing the propaganda behind each and offers clear, logical alternative explanations for the occurance of these diseases.
The authors have contacted many of the worlds leading virologists and viral research organisations for proof (including the CDC)confirming pathogenic virus existence but none have been forthcoming with any proof but merely heresay and propaganda!
If anyone can point to information that does prove the existence of a pathogenic virus then post it! since I would certainly like to know!
Either way - a thought provoking book well worth a read!
for more details