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mood swings and copper
indianagirl Views: 2,770
Published: 13 y

mood swings and copper

HI all,
now that it has been confirmed that I am high copper I have been doing a lot looking back and a lot of things are falling into place. Over the years I have struggled off and on with horrible anxiety and not as bad depression.
As well as irregular menstrual cycles and really crippling pms, mostly from the mood swing aspect.
I looked into PMDD several times and always came to the conclusion that that was not really my issue and I was even almost diagnosed as bipolar at one point it was so bad (magnesium eventually evened me out enough to let that go).
I am doing a lot of inner work and resolving and healing whatever emotional stuff I can that has caused these issues but I am pretty sure that a lot of it is chemical, now that I know what I know, probably copper.
Has anyone else experienced the severe mood swings and such things that can be a part of the copper problem? I am hoping I'm not just trying to blame it one the copper in hopes that it will all disappear as I heal.
I am looking for some clarity and reassurance that that is a real experience in copper toxicity and not just something I am making my excuse for the moment.
Please tell me all about how emotionally out of control you have been due to your metal toxicities. Lol.


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