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Re: Day 5 Completed - should I drive while water fasting? Views: 6,421
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Re: Day 5 Completed - should I drive while water fasting?

Thanks for the input, Chrisb1.

Would you please define "marked" for this purpose? To my understanding, the blood pressure can change from moment to moment depending on activity and stress levels. Perhaps my wife is steering me wrong. My most significant changes happened prior to fasting going down from 135/? to 119/62 after giving up meat completely but that was over the course of several months. I then found that I was reading back in the 130s during my prefast period which gradually settle into the 110-120 range as the fast began. The lowest it's been is 102/60.

I use a wristcuff type model which are notorious for inaccuracy so I don't put a lot of store in it but feel that it does provide a general indication.



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