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Re: How do you know if dumping copper?
SB1108 Views: 1,687
Published: 13 y
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Re: How do you know if dumping copper?

My problem is high biounavailable copper and low bioavailable copper.

I just recently started trying to reduce my copper burden and within 5 days of starting zinc/vitamin c/molybdenum I began having allergic reactions (my lips would swell every time I ate), I developed a rash on my chin and my most dramatic symptom was dizziness/fatigue to the point I could not stand. I stopped my supplements and less than a week later my symptoms disappeared. I haven't gotten over it yet so I am trying to regain my strength before starting the supplements again.

I personally think I just stirred up the copper in my bloodstream though because now my normal/every day symptoms have returned but are way but more severe (intense stomach and muscle pain).


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