Weather by MH
The strangest thing about the weather is the "warm" nights. In general, these warm nights I would not expect until mid June. EVERYONE for several weeks now has been walking around in tea shirts and as I walk outside each night about 10 pm and come back in around 3 am each morning, I am amazed at how warm it is staying through out each and every night...."IF" it was to return back to winter with snow, freezing rain, etc. now, people and animals would about FREAK OUT in shock.
The chem trail jets have been running extra hard for weeks now, constantly following the sun, filling the skies, etc. and one can't help but wonder how much of this weather is "normal" or is it as abnormal as most people think.......they say weather runs cycles and these cycles can be in hundreds of years, etc......or even thousands upon thousands of year cycles when you consider the usa use to be deep under the ocean once upon a time....
DOES man have any "real" power or will this earth do exacty what his earth was created by God to do! I think on the larger scale, every government scientist is "nothing" in the universe's eyes....and the planets and suns will rotate like perfect clockwork and the rocks "will" come at their precise time...the same rocks that splattered craters all over our moon.