Possible great news for people with lung cancer or mesothelioma
I have been corresponding with some people with lung cancer and mesothelioma lately as well as people with other lung issues where nebulizing with items such as colloidal silver, lobelia and mullein were discussed and I wondered - what about nebulizing with liquid oleander extract? I also wondered why I had not thought of that before.
Well, I just confirmed this with Marc Swanepoel, the Naturopathic PhD who formulated the Sutherlandia OPC and Rose Laurel OPC Plus oleander extract supplements, including the Sutherlandia OPC liquid extract:
Oleander extract can be nebulized!
I would thiink that nebulizing the combo of liquid oleander extract, colloidal silver (a must) and perhaps lobelia and mullein extracts would be a wonderful one for those who have lung cancer or mesothelioma - getting the oleander and colloidal silver pretty much directly to the cancer sites as well as the other healing items. Plus, like other inhaled medications, the oleander and the rest would also be absorbed and sent into the blood stream.
Marc also mentioned that glutathione is absolutely essential for preventing/reversing mesothelioma. Thus N-Acetyl Cysteine would be an essential (and I might add that coffee enemas increase natural glutathione production significantly too.)
Note: In addition to the Sutherlandia OPC liquid extract, one can also make their own oleander extract at home by carefully following the instructions here:
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 1
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 2 - Tips and Advice
Marc's message to me:
Hi Tony,
The liquid oleander can be used in a nebulizer and there is no reason to avoid using it in that manner.
As far as the 2nd story is concerned, any treatment that increases glutathione levels is advisable. This will thus include oleander. The following passage is relevant:
"While the pathogenesis of asbestos toxicity is not fully understood, it appears that reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated by the fibers is a factor and that the endogenous antioxidant, glutathione, plays a key role in decreasing the carcinogenic potential of asbestos. Inhalation of asbestos as well as other fibers has been found to significantly decrease glutathione and its associated enzymes, as well as vitamin C, in the lung lining fluid. (1,2) In a study, N-acetylcysteine was found to protect animals from asbestos-induced oxidative damage and increase depleted glutathione levels. (3) Another animal study found vitamin C, added to drinking water, significantly inhibited the development of mesothelial and pleural tumors induced by asbestos exposure. (4) It is possible that other nutrients that increase glutathione levels such as lipoic acid, glutamine, and vitamin E might also provide a benefit. Because the primary site of inflammation is the lungs, a nebulized form of glutathione may also be beneficial." (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FDN/is_5_6/ai_80490864/)
It is, as I believe is the case with all cancers, the depletion of glutathione that finally triggers the onset of the lung cancer in asbestosis. NAC, oleander, Vit C (5gm - 10gm per day) and nebulized form of glutathione which is available in the USA, should all help with the reduced oxygen.
Cape Town
Please note: Raw oleander plant is very toxic. Do not handle or ingest raw oleander or any form of oleander that has not been prepared according to the exact recipe for “oleander soup” or the commercial products. If you are not prepared to follow the directions for handling, preparation and dosage, do not even think about attempting to make this remedy. While raw oleander is toxic, there have been no reports of serious adverse reactions or side-effects due to properly prepared oleander extract taken according to directions. The most common side-effects are loose bowels, slight temperature and perhaps mild nausea, all of which should dissipate quickly as the body becomes acclimated to the extract.