Living Clay® Calcium Bentonite Clay - Pure and Natural!
Living Clay® Detox Clay Powder
Highest Quality Calcium Bentonite Clay
Primitive as it sounds, the idea of internally ingesting or applying bentonite clay to the body is a powerful, yet simple and natural way to heal. Used by indigenious cultures for centuries, the form generally known as calcium bentonite clay is increasingly being recognized by alternative health care providers in treating a variety of health issues, as well as being effective in a daily maintenance routine.
Bentonite clay is made of tiny microscopic molecules. These platelets possess a negative electrical charge on their surface. Bentonite clay has both absorption and adsorption qualities and attracts materials having the opposite electrical charge. When water is added to the clay, the process of adsorption attracts toxins like a porous sponge and then absorbs the toxins into its structure. These toxins include viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungus, as well as heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides. Edible bentonite clay is not absorbed by the body, so trapped toxins and metals get passed out with your bowel movement.
Many sodium-based clays are marketed as edible bentonite clays, but our bodies cannot tolerate large amounts of sodium, so the amount of sodium-based clay consumption is limited. There are no such restrictions for consumption based on pure calcium bentonite clay.
Perry A~, who wrote the seminal work on calcium bentonite clay, notes in her book, Living Clay: Nature’s Own Miracle Cure, "Sodium-based clays are used primarily for industrial purposes, including: drilling mud, cat litter, plaster, matches, cement tiles, grease, house paints, copy paper, dynamite, shoe polish, concrete, crayons and bleaching agents. Calcium-based clays are referred to as "living" clay as they principally consist of minerals that contribute to the production of enzymes in all living organisms."
Potential Uses of Living Clay®
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Constipation and Diarrhea
• GI Tract Detox
• Gut Dysbiosis
• Traveler's Dysentary
• Acid Reflux
• Organ Detox
• Candida and Fungal Overgrowth
• Bacterial Overgrowth
• Colon Cleanse
Dental and Oral Hygiene
• Daily Brushing With Clay Paste Keeps Teeth Fresh and Clean
• Bacteria Absorption to Aid in Preventing Tooth Decay, Gum Deterioration and Infections
• Eczema and Psoriasis
• Boils
• Cold Sores
• Wounds, Abrasions and Infections
• Excess Skin Oil Which Causes Acne
• Facials
• Body Treatments
• Organ Detox
• Cradle Cap, Scalp Fungus and Diaper Rash
• Nail Fungus
• Wart Removal
• Spider and Varicose Veins
• Naturally Curly and African-American Scalp Cleanse Hair Care Treatment
• Insect Bites - Wasp, Bees, Scorpion, Fire Ants, Spiders
• Poison Ivy and Poison Oak
• Shingles ©2012 Owned and Operated by Salon E, LLC
Authorized Distributor of Living Clay® Calcium Bentonite Clay