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Reformed Junk food junkie trying to figure out hormones, thyroid, and natural options
HolsLovesHealth Views: 4,513
Published: 13 y

Reformed Junk food junkie trying to figure out hormones, thyroid, and natural options

Hi I would love some advice. I'm a former junk food junkie. I used to eat pizza, cookies, cakes, candy, fast food, fried stuff, and other garbage. Heck I was practically raised on it. Last year I decided that my health was more important so I dropped the prepackaged garbage, fast food, and the like. I started eating whole foods. Mostly, fruits and vegetables and cooking from scratch. I started eating nuts (no peanuts) and dropped gluten and dairy. I have hashimotos thyroid. Anyway, I dropped 110lbs over the course of a year. Oh and before that, I have tested for high testosterone. Also, my family has a history of PCOS. So far, I have tested negative for type 2 diabetes but my family members have all had it. Another reason why I started this quest for health before I developed this syndrome. I started researching herbal remedies to address adreanal fatigue and came across adaptogens. I picked schisanda. I've been on it for about a month and a half. Now this month I've had two periods in a row. The second one was heavy. This prompted me to go back and research the schisandra. It was then that I found out it has phytoestrogen properties. Does this mean that my testosterone is lowered? or Estrogen is high? Have I whacked my system? I thought I was doing well by eating fruits, nuts, berries, adn leafy greens. Any suggestions or ideas would be helpful.


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