some information before starting the fast, that might protect the less
experienced ones.
Below are some
provocative excerpts from the interview with Dr. Bass, with supplemental comments.
"...speaking of fasting, I have personally fasted more
than any living human being, including Dick Gregory. I've done maybe over 2000 days in
my life... Something
peculiar happens to fasters. When they break a fast the appetite gets ravenous
for about 7-10 days, depending on the length of the fast. It's very, very
difficult to control yourself then, and you wind up overeating and
bingeing". "...The problem
with fasting is that it leads to extremes. Like the pendulum of a clock, the
further you swing one way, the further you swing the other way...I wound up
living a seesaw existence of fasting and over-eating, fasting and over- eating.
This is the danger of fasting." Dr. Bass then discusses the psychology of
fasting, and recommends: "...Rather than depending on the fast to change
your lifestyle, develop the habit of good lifestyle...then when you fast you'll
do the right thing afterwards..."
On to
fruitarianism - Dr. Bass believes that fruits, fruit acids
demineralize the body: "Oh, people say fruits are alkaline...If you examine the end
point of fruits in the urine and in the bowels and stool, you get an alkaline ash,
but what about the acid in the fruit?...It [your body] gets the bases to
neutralize the acids in the fruit from your own body and it pulls the minerals
out of your skeleton and tissues to neutralize it. So it is dangerous to overeat
of fruits, especially
citrus...vegetables are more important than fruit. Gorillas will eat 55-65
pounds of food, and that's about 97% vegetables and only 3% fruit.
I guess the
protection here is
to really mix the 1 orange juice in the distilled water (8
onzes glass) while in the OJ fast, so reducing the acidity of the citrus fruit.
Question: Many raw
fooders experience problems with their teeth,
such as enamel corrosion and general decay. How do you account for this? Have
you personally had any experience of this? If so, please detail your own
experiences and how you addressed the problem, both at the time and
Answer: My experience is that most
raw-foodists, like most of the population in general, are mineral deficient.
Specifically, when it comes to teeth issues,
deficiencies are prevalent in sulfur, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and especially
What initially causes teeth issues is detoxifying
too rapidly without appropriately drinking green vegetable juice daily, have
green-powdered superfoods daily, and eating salad daily. Also eating too much
sugary fruit exacerbates the situation.
- I have a wealth of experience in this field. It
is something that I have become specialized in over the years. To have teeth degeneration, we need
3 things simultaneously: an acid pH of the mouth, the presence of
staphylococci bacteria, and the presence of sugar. If you knock out these
three factors, you will never have tooth decay.
The best overall food to strengthen
the teeth is grass. Nettles are a close second.
The whole story “MY EXPERIENCES
Stanley Bass here:
When I was in my late 20's, I had the good fortune to meet a Naturopath and
Chiropractic doctor, a great leader and teacher in the field of Natural
Hygiene, Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio, who introduced me to a new wonderful
world of balanced nutrition, which I went into deeply, with the intention of
becoming a practitioner some day.
He told me about his experiences while following Arnold Ehret, which led to
deficiencies in his diet. He once went on a grape cure, recommended by Johanna
Brandt. He lived on nothing but grapes, cases of them for about 35 days. He ate
pounds of them at each meal. By the 32nd day, his gum was bleeding, and his teeth
loosened in their sockets. He said that one
of his teeth fell out of his mouth. He exclaimed, "My God, I am
detoxicating my teeth."
At that point he knew that something was terribly wrong with the fruit diet. It
wasn't until later, when he read a booklet by a famous British nutritionist
entitled "Fruit, It's Use and Misuse". He said it was the best book
he ever read on fruit. I later read his book, but don't recall his name. This
doctor stated that according to the theory of nutrition, fruit was alkaline in
it's ash effect after digestion and was good for you. But, after what he
observed in many people, he came to the conclusion that the alkaline ash
present after digestion was due to the fruit acids leeching out the minerals
from the body to neutralize the acids in the fruit. The body was not gaining
in mineral content, but was losing the minerals from the bones, teeth
and body instead.
The theory was based on a faulty interpretation of what actually happened. This
clearly explained what had happened to me on my citric-acid fruit-juice diet.
This also explained what had happened to Dr. Cursio on his grape diet, rich in
malic acid. This explained what had happened to many people who went on acid
fruit diets. I remember when I was in a hotel in New York working with an
orchestra, when several of my teeth had loosened up, and one abscessed tooth
caused my face to swell greatly. Not wanting to quit the job, I began an
immediate fast on water alone, a method I had always used in emergencies,
whenever I was in pain. In a few days, the swelling and pain subsided and was
completely gone by the 10th day and 2 days later I felt something in my mouth.
I took it out and it was a molar tooth with a big hole through it. My body had
ejected the dead tooth - first by producing an inflammation in my jawbone,
followed by the loosening and discard of the dead tooth. The same thing
happened to me at another time in my life when my body discarded another dead
tooth the same way. When I told the story to 2 dentists, they said they never
heard of this before. When my jawbone receded from the tooth, due to the loss of minerals
from the acid in the fruit, I years later lost 2 healthy teeth due to the jawbone
receding off the teeth.
A surgeon dentist who was a Natural Hygienist and later became my dentist, in
Rockaway Beach, Moe Leichter, told me that the worst recession of the gums and loss of
teeth he saw in patients were in vegetarians and Natural Hygienists who lived
mostly on fruit.
He said that their teeth were
ridged, soft in some, and lacking in calcium. He believed it was best to avoid heavy
use of acid fruit.
Again I guess
protection here is
to really mix the 1 orange juice in the distilled water (8
onzes glass) while in the OJ fast.
Happy 2006 to everyone.