Hi guys, any success, in determining the cause of fecal body odours yet?????
Hi guys,
Godseeker30 here. hey, has anyone come across any solid evidence, leading to their fecal body odour symptoms and how they can be tied in with our body problems yet? I'm sorry to ask this, just really tired of going through the same old same old and not getting results and being able, to move forward with my life, is kinda making it hard for me, even though I'm trying to stay positive, I'm having a bummed out day right now(: I could just really use some encouragement right now, as I'm fatigued, tired and not in a good mood right now!! I've tried all the remedies listed, even the L Glutamine but that had no effects and I'm starting to worry, that I'll have to live with this the rest of my life! I know before this problem, I was normal and by that, I mean, I didn't suffer with malodour bo issues, but now, it's just so freaking hard!!! Currenly, I'm on some capsules for my Liver, which are produced by Himalaya Herbal Health Care, but not noticing an effect yet(: I just don't wanna keep blowing money out the window, because now, I'm starting to wonder, if after 6yrs of dealing with this crap, if a pill is really my solution or surgery lol. If I could just have some people encourage me right now, or offer me some help and hope, that would be great, as even an encourager, needs support from time to time:) Thanks guys and God bless.