I have been doing the Master-Cleanse for the past 11 days and i feel it is time to come off. (I decided this time to included a liver/gallbladder flush on day 7....WOW!!!) This is my 3rd MC. I have never come off the cleanse with OJ, I have always used applesauce. Today, I drank a cup of fresh OJ and water about an hour after my lemonade this morning and had an extreme pain under my right ribs and a really dry mouth. It passed after about 1/2 an hour, but I am wary to drink it again. Is it safe to try mild broth? (I have been craving miso soup!!) What about an avocado or is that too solid? Should I go back to the applesauce? Could more stones be lurking, explaining the pain? Should I try an enema?