alternative medicin and scientific studies
Often when I say I have methylation issues, or other people say they have pre diabetic hypoglycemia, or candida or whatever, a counter argument from "Non beleivers" is there is no
Science behind these conditions.
Why is that? How does scientific studies into things like candida overgrwoth come about, who can conduct them, approve them, fund them, publsh the results?
Many of us patients agree the conditions are valid as if we treat them often we feel better, but it would be nice to tell the sceptics about scientific proof and any cover up as to why thre arent many studies to back this up in the public domain.
The orthomolecular approach which helps thousands is often labelled "quackery" as tehres no
Science behind it but is that true, is there no
Science behind it, or are the studies to expensive for the ortho Dr's to prove the mainstrams Dr's wrong?