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Urgent question about tapering off of steroids
  Views: 2,063
Published: 13 y

Urgent question about tapering off of steroids

I need some quick help from knowledgeable people on here, and we can just talk hypothetically here. If a person, against their will and without their consent, was in a hospital and given high doses of IV steroids, and then discharged with the idea of being on them for a long time, what tapering process should they follow to get off of them as soon as possible, if they don't think they need them?

Hypothetically, initial dosage was 120 mg per day of IV steroids for 3 days (4 doses of 30 each day), then switched to 60 mg per day of oral prednisone (30 mg twice a day) indefinitely, what sort of tapering would work?

Hypothetically, I was thinking 60 mg for 2 days, then decrease it by 10mg each two days until the person was off. Thoughts, advice, experts?

Hypothetically, this really makes me angry at the doctors that did this. I know they think they are helping, but that sort of discussion should have been done with the hypothetical patient, especially if he expressed reservations about taking steroids and disagreed with diagnosis.


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