Eyebrows Growing Back
Hi all,
Some more good news. My eyebrows are growing back !
As is very common, I have been missing the outside part of my eyebrows for years. (This is a hypo-thyroid symptom, which can be secondary to adrenal fatigue)
I mentioned a while ago that I can finally handle
Iodine now without crashing my adrenals. So I thought that the eyebrows coming back were a result of being able to take
Iodine and therefore my thyroid was improving.
This is likely a factor, but there is something else to it.
I mentioned before, but my whole family has AF to some extent. None of my sisters have eyebrows anymore either.
Well...one of my sisters that has been Earthing for a few months commented that HER eyebrows are growing back. She has not been taking Iodine.
So I believe what is happening is that the Earthing is relieving a large source of stress, reducing the load for the adrenals and thyroid.
Possibly our thyroids are producing less Reverse T3 and more of the useful T3.
Anyway, it's a really good sign. I haven't had eyebrows for about 25 years !