I just notice my oral thrush around 2 weeks ago and once i noticed it i realised it was very engrained and had most likely been there for ages. It was brought on due to the accutane drug. Anyway since then I have been using solutions from the doc on tongue, avoiding sugars yeast etc, eating tons of natural yoghurt etc, taking probiotic tablets etc and ive noticed it seems to be healing in a strange way. Basically it started as a small circle shaped patch at the back right of the tongue that cleared and that patch is growing down the right hand side of the tongue so slowly but surely the thrush seems to be clearing. Is this normal? I think its basically because its so engrained to beat it the good cells have had to concentrate together on a small area and work from there together as if they tried to clear it all at once they couldnt beat all the bad cells in place. Does this all sound right or am i going mental due to yeast and fungal infection??