Constitutional Hydrotherapy helps most conditions
I just finished part of a web page for Constitutional Hydrotherapy, which is a treatment modality that helps any condition or disease that benefits from imcreased blood circulation, better digestion and elimination and detoxification. While its not done yet, there are instructions for home treatment that require nothing more than a few towels and a blanket, and even instructions on how to do it if you're alone. It used to be that finding someone trained in the more complicated clinical procedure was extremely difficult, but it's been taught at Bastyr Univeristy in Seattle for the last couple of years, so there are practitioners becoming more available.
The information on this page and some of the links--a European one in particular--might hold some surprises.
I will be adding instruction photos as soon as a dinky camera replacement cord arrives from clear across the country, and will soon finish a summary of a Journal article with more advanced instructions for health care providers.
Any kind of infection benefits from increased blood circulation to clean it out.
Ocean Plasma (live, organic seawater) remineralizes the body
The Budwig protocol heals the cells in a way that make nutrients more bio-available.
U-Cure ( ) helps with the stress reduction, and if you really need to get something cleaned out of abnormal tissues, escharotics can do that. I removed a small lump inside my chin with escharotics (salve treatment) at a time I thought I was going to have to have 2 root canals. Thick, white foamy material drained out for a couple of days and suddenly the teeth quite hurting. That's a drastic way to drain poisons, and I would do it all under my chin where it wouldn't show next time, but just thought I'd pass it on.