Re: Whoa back there, Nellie...Re: Making Female Tincture
Hi Uny, Howdy tzap! :) (I had this started a day/so ago, so I might as well finish it up)...
Have i ever told you that your amazing! thank you for all the info I will go through it tonight. Thank you - and so are you! (amazing :)
The formula for the female Tonic is on page 491/492 of the Save Your Life manual. If it's not showing, Sam will e-mail you the PDF he's good with stuff like that Okay, the formula you list below is not in what I refer to as "The" SYL manual...there are many versions out there and the one I utilize is the original. It's the only one I know of that was put together with Schulze and Bizer...all the others were Bizer on his own (and many of those contain various 'edits' & additional information that Schulze/Christopher would have disagreed with). I have three different SYL manuals here ("the" original and two is the latest SYL manual that Bizer just published and one is one of his older ones). I see the formula you have below in those...but not the original. In fact, the original doesn't have the current Female Formula - the one that's listed has just 3 herbs in it.
The Female Formula that Schulze used (or so I assume, from all I've read), was the base formula of 3 herbs with the addition of three more. That formula/recipe can be found here: and here:
The formula you have contains the correct herbs, and is"close" in the measurements, but if you measure out the herbs you have already weighed out, you'll see that the 'parts by weight' are not an exact match for the 'parts by volume' Will the formula 'by weight' work? Yes (of course!), but it's not as good as it could be. I typically never harp on being "persnickety perfect" (in fact, I preach the exact opposite), but there's no reason not to make our tinctures to the best of our ability, eh? Getting our/your head around the whole 'parts by volume thing' is integral to making quality, well-balanced (and consistently balanced) tinctures.
In Toronto we can only get 80 proof grain vodka we have a certified organic brand were going to use we'll figure out how to get the 100 proof for the next round. I did some googling, and see the only province with more lax liquor laws is Alberta. You might be able to have something shipped (???). Of course, if you know of anyone coming into Canada from the US, they might be able to bring you some. "Freedom" is FAR from being free, or anything like the true meaning. Argh. 'Tis just another reason why it's so important to secure our food/herb supplies and our 'networks with others'.
SYL page 491/492 basicly says to soak herbs for a week and to do the below to make the tincture. If/when you have the time, could you get me copyright/publishing info (that should be in the front of your manual). I was sure I had a copy of every SYL manual that's ever been printed, but those page numbers don't match mine. I'm not interested in anything Bizer adds to the various manuals he's published/sold after "the original" he did with Dr. Schulze, but occasionally I'll find a lil' Schulze tidbit that I've never found before.
The 1st measurements are to make a quart the second are to make a gallon
Dong Quai 4 ozs | 16 ozs
Chaste Tree berries(Vitex) 4 ozs | 16 oz
Wild Yam root 4 ozs | 16 ozs
Damiana leaf 1.5 ozs | 6 ounces
Licorice Root 2 ozs | 8 ozs
Hops flowers 3/4 oz | 3 ozs
These figures are for dry herbs. My guess is that Bizer measured these out based on Schulzes formula that was 'by volume'. 'Thing is, in everything I've read, I see many times when he's adjusted formulas for himself (or his wife) based on what he felt worked for him/her...which of course, is not necessarily the voice of "Dr. Schulze" (nor the voice of clinical experience).
Thank you for giving me more details!! You're more than welcome!