I am guilty of that too. I should respond when I see ridiculous amateur advice. But, I feel like there are 2 kinds of people. Those geared towards what I do, and those that are not at all open to it. I heard of one today, a titanium rod up his whole neck. Maybe that would be necessary in a few cases but at least try chiropractic. I can say, there is nobody I couldn't get better and that includes organic problems.( except a lady that got a deadly form of chemotherapy)
So, here I don't even try. I need to meet them really.
Even you don't seem to understand subluxation and nerve interference. You recommend massage. People get so much worse by pushing on a nerve that is dysfunctional. Yea the massage feels good, but follow up the next day--not good..
But, as they say "I'm a lover not a fighter" I don't want to see people who don't believe in me.