great!Now you know probiotic is the ultimate cure!
use other natrural things that kill acne/exzema if his ezxema is severe, otherwise probiotic is enough, though slow.
it's very slow for the immune system to rebuild, but once it's there, the kid will not get ezxema so easy any more.
Good luck, and keep in touch.
It's nice to see a parent who has the same spirit as me:most parents think ezxema is jene, the jene is bad.It's not.
It mostly cause by mites, and mites will spit out fungus to break down the skin, for ezxema is a fixed infection, and many
Antibiotics has drug resistence.
most mites have drug resistence now.
Antibiotics are made from fungus, so if the bug carry a higher level of fungus, the
Antibiotic has to have to higher level fungus to kill of the fungus it carry.
I don't know if you would ever believe me, but the formula that works fast from my country doc works that way.
I just don't want to use that with out a doc's supervision, for I might go out of it, or, go drug resistence. so I tried lots natrue mites killers.
but they harm the skin, so probiotics kick in last Christmas, it's a natrural antibiotic, natrural antifungal, it's everything, just not strong enough to kill large amounts mites.but if you use long, it works.
people use lactic acid to prevent bee mites, and it takes 2 years for bee hive to completely mite free.