True healing is going to happen from the inside out. If the rashes are surfacing in different areas of the body and reoccuring then using topical apps might just help it temporarily. Candex might cause your rash to get worst because of the toxins it releases from die off---if it even causes die-off. Essiac---careful with the rhubarb it can be a little hard on the kidneys. If you do it keep an eye on your electrolytes. It can act as a diurectic. I would use non-chlorinated water for showering, make sure your soap is free of chemicals...etc...If your trying so many things at once it might be hard to pinpoint whats working and what isnt. When I'm experimenting with something I always try to do one thing at a time so I can pinpoint the reaction im getting. I usually take it on a empty stomach to get the true reaction as well. I dont know if I would rely on muscle testing. Ive seen it done quite often and not always being accurate. If your candida is down to a minimum then renew life probiotics might be worth a try.
What kind of liver cleanse and small intestine cleanse did you do? What was in them?