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Re: Day One - No Pain Meds
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Published: 13 y
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Re: Day One - No Pain Meds

It was available at one point but the Medico Mafia works hard to keep it away from the sheople.
As you can read in my first post:

The Burial

“Spartase” was a listed “drug” for fatigue in the United States in 1961. The company had big plans for it: not only was there a potentially huge market for fully-reacted magnesium and potassium aspartates in desperately fatigued people, but according to Dr. Jonathan V. Wright they also were pursuing evidence that it was also an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. But instead, the FDA banned this magnesium and potassium aspartates supplement from the pharmaceutical market in 1970. No new evidence had been advanced to suggest that it was unsafe or ineffective. So what happened?


And then, FDA forced the withdrawal of all of those “probably effective” drugs, unless the companies holding their licenses were ready to initiate a new round of large controlled trials immediately, within months of the panel’s reports. This wasn’t just unreasonable – it was impossibile: in 1970, the National Association of Science writers was told that there literally were “just not enough clinical investigators in this country to carry out all the studies that will be demanded”...


"You must love Big Brother. It is not enough to obey him: you must love him."
-- Orwell


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