Re: Ozone, magnetic pulsar, Zapper? (Carpel Tunnel)
I do not believe any of the things mentioned above will help - except for the Sota Pulser and it helps enormousl. I got it after reading about Bob Beck and found it helpful in the ways he mentioned - none of which had to do with carpal tunnel.
I feel that carpal tunnel with me has been due to hypothyroidism which is not fully addressed by the meds. That condtion can cause fluid to back up in the wrist. It occured to me to try the Sota Pulser to move that fluid on out. It worked! I had practically give up on drawing, which had been the most problematic area for me. Now I can draw for several hours a day.
Now I don't just use the pulser. I sleep flat on my back with my hands at my side to prevent bending the wrist at night and constricting blood flow. I use bromelain caps & try not to sit for too long in any one position and do wrist rotations at the computer and the easel. I also take Boswelila. However, without the pulser, those things helped only a little.
I don't just pulse the wrist (not placing the somewhat heavy wand on those delicate structures, but placing my wrist gently on it instead) but all the lymphatic system areas, and basic organs. Once a day for about 1/2 hour does it for me.