probiotic internally push bad things out, so use topically too
It happened to me too. my lips were covered by ezxemas after I used high dose of probiotics.
10 years ago, one doc practitioner introduced me probiotic, becasue my first attack came after 2 month of
Antibiotics , I told her. But my skin had more rashes after I took probiotics, so I quit.
after 12 years of try and research, I know now that you have to use it topically and internally, becasue you push the inner things out.
You might use small dose internally first, with topically 3 times a day.
probiotics are the ultimate cure. you broke out, does not mean you get sick more, just shows you that probiotics work!!!!!!
Don't be scared by the break out. microbes live in intestine, you have to push them out, so your body will not break out for ever.
Mark my word!
your whole family will be healthy, now, and until you're old, but you have to take probiotics until you're clean.
probiotics are not a miracle needs time for your body to re-establish.
my case is way worse than your son's, after my doc gave me feminine steroids, I have suffered so anal and private spot in and out were covered by thick ezxemas!!!
Now i have recovered, my body is still not clean.
I use herb and probiotics.becasue probiotics are too weak to kill, that's why the break outs of your son! but kill is dangerous, have to use very carefully, monitor carefully, use different things at different stage.
but probiotics are safe. I suggest use small dose, add up to bigger one.wash or drier the bedding daily. no carpets, and polyester sofa, all leather, clean with vinegar. if you have carpet, clean with borax first, then with vinegar. rinse your clothes with vinegar.
There's no miracle cure, but daily carefull care, and endless cleaning and drying.
avoid alkline.unless severe cases, avoid
Antibiotics . 15 minutes after
Antibiotics use, top it with probiotics.
I've researched for 12 years, sick for 17 years, fist a little, then worse. why I spent so much time here, because Asian people don't have this problem. In big cities, now more and more people have this problems, but they can be cured by doctors using both western and herbs, but US people, vast people have to be on antihistamine and steroid creams whole life, that's not right.
I want you to stick to probiotics, and get cured, and spread the word.
We need a healthier next generation.