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Alzheimers Glutathione
godshealth Views: 980
Published: 13 y

Alzheimers Glutathione

The Alzheimers glutathione connection holds promise for a treatment that could truly help.

There are numerous research papers and studies on the causes of Alzheimers. Science does not fully understand the causes of Azheimers disease. There is growing evidence that life time exposures to toxins, diet, genes, and oxidative stress are all suspects. If fact, they may be coconspirators in theis greatest of all thievery, the strealing of our memories.

The natiional institute of aging has funded research to help better understand the genetic aspect of Alzheimers.

Low CG Syndrome:

One of the main concerns of the disease is oxidative stres. Since glutathione helps fight oxidative stress,it is natural to hind it depleted in conditions where there a such oxidation.

Cataracts, Parkinsons disease, glaucoma, and Alzheimers disease are all associated with what is becoming known as Low CG syndrome.

Numerous chronic diseases are associated with a low levels of glutathione. There are currently 68 that can be found in studies. The reality is there may be many more.

- immune disorders
- cancers

Glutathione deficiencies are also a part of toxicity as occurs with medication overdose, decreased liver function, eating disorders and malnutrition.

This is a powerful endogenous antioxidant, and it needs considerable looking into. What makes this so unique is that it is Science based, meaning their a many documented studies on this.

(Proverbs 13:17)

"An unreliable messenger stumbles into trouble, but a reliable messenger brings healing."



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