Bad breath and tonsil stones were ruining my life... but not any more!
For 9 years, since I was 16 I have had to live with the embarrassment of awful smelling bad breath (or halitosis as its properly known!) and the tonsil stones that come along with it. I'm writing this today because I want to share my story with you all and to give you hope - because I no longer have this problem! :)
So like i say, this has been a problem for me for a long time that started in school. This is about the worst place you can be if your coughing up putrid tonsil stones and no one wants to come within a mile of your breath... forget kissing girls too, that wasn't going to happen! I tried everything I could, mouthwashes, brushing my teeth regularly, I carried a packet of gum EVERYWHERE I went, and they would cover up the smell for a short period of time but none of these things would actually "get rid" of the problem.
It started to become an issue for worklife too, at an interview, even if my breath didn't smell, I would be thinking that it was and would loose my confidence. And that was the least of my troubles compared to these strange little white lumps that were appearing on my tonsils - imagine if I coughed a tonsil stone up on a date! I knew that a tonsillectomy would stop the tonsil stones for good but I made it a last resort as its a very painful recovery period.
I was reaching breaking point, I needed a solution badly... and fortunately it came. Whilst I was trawling the internet one day for an answer, I found a website called
Bad Breath Health that explained what was causing the bad breath and tonsil stones. It also explained why most mouthwashes dont work, because they dont kill off the bacteria in the mouth, and most importantly told me which products DO work!
The only way to stop bad breath and tonsil stones is to apply oxygenating compounds and once I had done this it all went away :) now I live a life free of this horrible affliction. I hope that anyone who's been stuck like I was will read this and find the same answers work for them and they can live a life free of these problems too. To see how I cured myself then just visit