Transdermal Magnesium for CF/Fibromyalgia
I have had ME/CF/Fibromyalgia for many years - over 25 now, and have tried most types of complimentary/alternatives with no success.I have had a lot of pain in both shoulders, waking me at night.
I heard about transdermal magnesium therapy and noticed that the sites of pain, for magnesium deficiency, were similar to mine.
For nearly 3 weeks now I have been spraying with Better You magnesium oil[Mag,Chloride 31% and seabed minerals] x3 per day, and intuitivly thought I would help the body to cleanse by eating a small boiled beetroot, a large piece of
Celery and drinking half a pint of [tap] water x4 per day, between meals.I have cut out all white flour and sugar/sweets.
I have to say that it seems to be working, as I feel more happy and alert, and last night had the first pain free night from the shoulders.I have also lost 4lb [I need to loose nearly 2 stone]I also have a bit more energy.
The magnesium oil stung and brought me up in itchy lumps at first, I diluted it by a third with water.It feels greasy but isn't really oil so will mix with water.Every few days I have a foul smelling BM so suppose that the body is eliminating toxins.I am surprised that after being ill for so long, and being under a great deal of stress, from other things too boreing to mention here, I have made improvement in a short time.