Re: Curing the bronchocele (goiter), 1779
Well thank you! I find this subject matter very interesting,
Iodine went from being a miracle discovery to being a cure-all...also reputed to cause body parts to disappear and shrink... to being a poison that would burn anything it touched... to being an indispensable part of every first aid kit... prescribed in MG doses during the 1800s and early part of the 1900s...then feared because of a study done on rats... displaced via fluoride and bromide... etc...etc... etc.
From discovery to essentiality to being feared. Then we all became deficient. Via govt sanctioned practices such as fluoride in our water. Great subject matter.
And yes. "They" made mistakes back then, such as attempting to cure a goiter via surgery. "They" also have some extremely valuable information that we cannot lose, such as the importance of ultraviolet rays and thyroid health, the effects of poor digestive function on the thyroid and so on. Things that are not tested or measured in todays "medicine", generally. There are some enlightened practitioners that see the body as a whole and not as a collection of parts.
If you are into the origins/history of medicine in general, a great book that I highly recommend is this one: