Q. Are you aware of what happens when you mix an oxidant and an antioxidant like DMSO?
The short answer is Yes.
Having said that... despite the fact that DMSO shortens the life of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and CDS when mixed together, I've discovered(through experience) that CDS does better than Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in such conditions. And I suspect this is due(mainly) to the fact that the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement depends on a reaction to release chlorine dioxide whereas the CDS does not.
Therefore... my take is this is that the CDS/DMSO mixture does better than MMS in the end. And one way to confirm this, can be done by preparing a mixture of equal components. ie. 24 drops of MMS + 12 drops of DMSO versus 8ml of CDS + 12 drops of DMSO. After which you can take readings of both mixtures(w/test strips) @ 3 min intervals to compare results.